
prosze o pomoc.chcialabym aby ktos mi pomogl przetlumaczyc to na angielski moja kolezanka ma 16 lat.chodzi do klasy 1 wlosy koloru ciemny blond i niebieskie oczy.jej wlosy sa do ramion najczesciej zebrane w kucyk.lubi ubierac sie na sportowo.jej ulubionym przedmiotem jest angielski, polski i wf.bardzo dobrze radzi tez sobie z lekcjach przewaznie jest zainteresowana.jej ulubiony kolor to zolty i czarny.jest pomocna,zaradna i uczciwa.wydaje mi sie ze jest osoba o ciepym sercu i jest uczuciowa.w przyszlosci chcialaby byc lekarka. z gory dziekuje:)

+0 pkt.

1 answer

about 15 years ago

My friend has 16 years old. She walks to class 1f.She has got dark of blond hair and the blue eyes. Her hair is in her shoulders are most often collected in a pony. She likes to dress up in sports. Her favourite subject is English, Polish and PE. Also she very good with the German.On the lessons usually has an interest. Her favourite color is yellow and black. She is helpful,resourceful and honest. I think she seems to me to be a person with warm heart and emotional.In the future she would like to be a doctor.


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