
Napisz historyjkę w języku angielskim na dowolny temat. ( około 9 zdań ) 1. Gdzie byłeś/aś , gdy coś się stało ? 2. Opisać sytuację, to co się działo. 3. Jak to się skończyło, i co czułaś ? Z góry dziękuję ;**

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1 answer

about 13 years ago

It happened two years ago. I was spending holiday on the country. One day I went for a walk with my friend, we were walking along the forest. And suddenly somefing moved in the bushes. I was very scared and I want to run away, but it turned out that It had been only dog.I feel relieved. Moreover this dog was hurted, probably it broke its leg. Next I take it to my grandfather (he is a vet). He put it a plaster on a leg. It turned out that it was the dog of neighbour of my grandma.


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