
Zad.1 Połącz i wyjaśnij co oznaczają te wyrazy od 1 do 9. 1.employment 2.local economy 4.demand price 7.goods and services 8.productivity 9.income a things people buy and sell. b the business activity in a town/village. c a group of people that buys something. d the amount of money people will pay for something. e work that you get paid for. f the money you get as payment for work. g the need for something. h the amount of something you can get or buy. i the amount of work that is done. Połącz 1.Sales and marketing 2.Information technology 3.Customer services 4.Human resources 5.Purchasing 6.Production 7.R & D 8.Finance 9.Distribution a transports the products. b pays the salaries. c sells the products. d makes the products. e looks after the computers. f thinks of ideas for new products. g recruits new staff. h processes orders from customers. i buys parts from suppliers. Połącz żeby znaczyło to samo,np.fix(naprawiać) i repair(naprawiać) 1.fix 2.set up 4.create 5.afford 6.rely on 7.maintain 8.employ a repair b depend on c make d construct e start f pay for g give work to h look after Zróbcie mi to dobrze bo musze poprawić ocenę. boring,busy,difficult,creative,interesting,stressful. 1.If we have too much work and not enough time, it can be quite_______________. 2.In my job, I use my imagination and ideas a lot, so the work is_________________. 3.I do the same thing every day-my job is______________________. 4.There is so much to do at work that I'm always____________________. 5.Sometimes my job is_____________________, but I would get bored if it was too easy. 6.My job is very__________________because I'm always learning new things.

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