
Napisz po angielsku 10 zdań z "can" "can't"

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about 14 years ago

1.I can swim. 2.I can't swim. 3.You can play basketball. 4.You can't play tennis. 5.I can ride a bike. 6.I can't ride a horse. 7. I can use the Internet. 8.I can't play fotball. 9.You can dance. 10.I can't speak English.


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about 14 years ago

I can play basketball. We can't go to school. you can go to shop on foot. He can't play the guitar. She can do his homework. They can't draw very well. I can't go to bed at 10:30. You can play football. She can't meet friends after school. He can walk the dog. myślę że jest ok. :)


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