
My favorite photo is the one with Magda.The photo was taken in July 2010 in Bulgaria by my friend Natalia. In the foreground there are me and Magda.Behind us there is a ferris wheel. In the background you can see the sea. Photo was taken at colony.We often went for walks along the beach and we talked a lot.To this day, keep in touch with each other. It was my best holiday. This photo is my favorite because I think we came out well in it. Every time I look at this photo it reminds me my friends and that's why it hangs on the wall by a bed. Prosze o poprawienie błędów i zasugerownie jakis zmian ;] Dodam ze opisuje zdjecie i w opisie mial znalezc sie opowiedzi na pytania 1)what was happening when you took the photo? 2)Where do you keep it? Why do you like it? 3)What is your favoutite photo? 4)Who took it? When? Where? 5)Tell me more about who or what is n the photo.

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1 answer

about 14 years ago

generalnie jest poprawnie. moja sugestia to zamiana dwóch zdań, ponieważ Ty napisałaś je tłumacząc dokładnie z polskiego na angielski, a tu akurat możnaby zmienic szyk zdania, ale to tylko takie przyczepienie się do czegoś ;) pozdrawiam. Behind us there is a ferris wheel. There is a ferris wheel behind us. This photo is my favorite because I think we came out well in it. This is my favourite photo because I think we came out well in it.


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